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General employer action plan for workers' work and childcare


Increase the rate of childcare leave taken to the following levels or higher within the planning period.

  • Male employees: 50% or more

  • Female employees: 80% or more 

1. Rate of taking childcare leave


  • August 2024~
    Inform all employees about the availability of "Postpartum Paternity Leave" and "Papa and Mama Parental Leave Plus"

  • December 2024~
    Conducting training on childcare leave for all employees

Accepting young people for internships.

2. Accepting young people for internships


  • April 2024~
    Started considering acceptance system

  • April 2024~
    Explanation to the receiving department and preparation of the system

  • April 2024~
    Cooperation with related organizations and schools

  • May 2024~
    Informing employees

  • July 2024~
    Internships begin

We will introduce a leave system for employees to attend their children's events and implement "children's observation days" where children can actually see their parents working.

3. Introduction of a leave system for participating in children's events and implementation of children's open day


  • July 2024~
    Establishment of a review committee

  • August 2024~
    Consider introducing holidays

  • August 2025~
    Informing employees about the Open Day

  • December 2025~
    Holding open days and conducting employee questionnaire surveys

  • Considerations for the next meeting

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