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PtBio's Innovative Approach: Next-Generation Sewage Treatment Through Metagenomic Analysis

Higashi-Hiroshima City and PtBio
Environment & Energy

Project Overview: Optimizing Sewage Treatment at Hiroshima Central Eco-Park


Project Highlights

  1. Visualizing the Black Box: We use metagenomic analysis to visualize the relationships among hundreds of microbial species (microbiome) between the input (sewage) and output (purified water).

  2. Species-Level Precision Analysis: Utilizing the cutting-edge PacBio long-read sequencer, we achieve detailed microbiome analysis at the species level, surpassing the conventional genus-level identification.

  3. Seasonal Variation Adaptation: We elucidate the differences in microbial communities between summer (high water temperature) and winter (low water temperature), as well as the impact of input variations on the water treatment system.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Operational Efficiency Optimization: By clarifying the proportions of nitrifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, anammox bacteria, and N2O-reducing bacteria involved in nitrogen removal, we derive optimal operating conditions.

  2. Reduction in Electricity Consumption: We achieve significant electricity savings by optimizing the nitrogen removal process, which is particularly energy-intensive.

  3. CO2 Emissions Reduction: Improved energy efficiency contributes to reducing the overall CO2 emissions of the facility.

  4. Pathway to New Technology Development: Future plans include developing alternative reagents using local biomass and demonstrating new biofilm technology such as "MABR" (Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor).

  5. Global Expansion of the "Higashihiroshima Model": Based on successful implementation at the full-scale plant level, we aim to expand our top-tier sales to domestic and international municipalities and businesses.

Partnerships and Future Prospects

This project is garnering attention as a successful model of industry-academia-government collaboration. Building on our partnership with Higashihiroshima City and leveraging technical cooperation with Hitachi Zosen Corporation, we aim to commercialize research outcomes and expand nationwide. Furthermore, through comprehensive industry-academia-government collaborations including Hiroshima University, we are advancing holistic research and development efforts in CO2 reduction and effective biomass utilization.


Project Roadmap

  1. Data Collection Phase (Currently Ongoing)

    • Collecting and performing metagenomic analysis on approximately 100 samples from Hiroshima Central Eco-Park

    • Correlation analysis with water quality data

  2. Model Development Phase

    • Developing predictive models for microbial community dynamics

    • Designing optimal conditions for treatment efficiency

  3. Proof-of-Concept Phase

    • Validating the developed model in real-world environments

    • Optimizing operational parameters and measuring effects

  4. Expansion Phase

    • Standardizing the technology as the "Higashihiroshima Model"

    • Expanding to domestic and international municipalities and businesses

Through this project, Ptbio aims to maximize the potential of Bio-DX in environmental technology, providing innovative solutions that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

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